
lean is:

balanced efficiency


Lean enables efficiency


"Lean in a trade business" is a transformative approach that optimizes operations, builds in efficiency, and maximizes value while minimizing waste. By adopting Lean principles, trade businesses can achieve a streamlined workflow, reducing unnecessary steps and costs.

Being lean helps achieve: simplicity, quality and efficiency while making work more enjoyable and meaningful.

We call this ‘efficiency balance.’

Lean people & process

At its core, Lean focuses on continuous improvement, empowering staff to identify and eliminate inefficiencies. This process-driven methodology enhances productivity and quality, leading to increased customer satisfaction and making work easier and more enjoyable for you and your staff.

Leading lean in small business

Admin for Tradies, helps clients understand and use lean by being lean in all they do. Clients naturally learn about the power of systems thinking and tools like waste identification, workflow planning, 5S tidying tactics and more. Lean then naturally flows from the owner to the job site as the owner models lean to their staff. There is no need for expensive courses and consultants as efficiency and lean skills are learn hands on through Admin for Tradies’ managing your back office bookkeeing and workflow.

Get in touch and chat about Our Lean Way.