
Efficient Tradie


Have a North Star

It’s hip to create a North Star. It’s gives you the standards and goals.

  1. Decide where you might go. You don’t always know but must have something to move towards.

  2. Decide to provide a quality service, at a reasonable price and to have good relationships with your staff, suppliers, clients and industry.

  3. Decide your services and try to put them in a category/package that people understand. You have to do this on a website anyway. it’s not tha easy but worth the time to do it.

  4. Set standards for your work categories, then create processes to achieve them.

  5. Setup job roles to fit the job catagories.

  6. Teach and model the standards (if you have staff).

In summary, the path outlined is a path towards your North Star. Step-by-step improving over time. As you step you adjust or improve your North Star so it’s always beyond you. Always pulling you forward. That’s it.

Monique Clow